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CfP: International Conference "Insecurity in the Age of Labour Formalisation: Informal Work in Europe, ca. 1870–1970", 31 August – 2 September 2023, University of Bern, Switzerland

Free wage labour is commonly presented as the focus, if not the very core, of the history of labour in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasis is typically placed both on the rise of free wage labour in the 19th century and on the first labour and social legislation of the late 19th century, which laid the foundations in various European nation states for the regulation of formal labour that is still in force today. We also hear much about how these legal and social models of gainful employment were consolidated throughout Europe over the course of the 20th century until they were thrown into prolonged crisis: in Western Europe in the 1970s; in Eastern Europe somewhat later. The overriding impression is thus of an era of labour formalisation and protection lasting roughly from 1870 to at least 1970. The conference aims to challenge this narrative by focusing on multiple forms and fields of informal work.

CfP: "Business and International Order" - ECOINT Workshop, 27-28 October 2022, European University Institute, Florence

International organizations are not simply the realm of bureaucrats, diplomats and statesmen. For much of the 20th century, business actors have taken important international roles, both officially and unofficially. Recent work has shown for example that bankers and financiers took key roles in the League of Nations’ Economic and Finance Committee; the International Chamber of Commerce was established in the name of business internationalism, and as a shadow bureaucracy for intergovernmental organisations; in the second half of the 20th century, the United Nations actively sought the involvement of businessmen in the promotion and funding of its programs. The examples are many. Historians are exploring the ways in which neoliberal international actors sought to use the UN, the World Bank, and the IMF to impose visions of a new ordoglobal order in the 1970s. Through the 20th century, business actors of many kinds have seen in international organisations the means to different ends, from peace through the distribution of wealth, to the regulation and control of the world economy, whether through primary commodity controls and wealth redistribution schemes to international business cartels.

CfP: "Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization Re-Connected. Comparing Developments in the Global South and the Global North from the 1970s to the Present Day", 31 May – 3 June 2023, University of Vienna

Studies of deindustrialization in different parts of the world have pointed out that deindustrialization was often connected in intricate ways with forms of reindustrialization. Most obviously and commonly, deindustrialization at one particular place implicated industrialization somewhere else, often far removed from the place that industry had been located before deindustrialization hit. Sometimes, however, industries did not move all that far. And sometimes, the transformations associated with deindustrialization did not lead to complete devastation of the industrial cores and the abandonment of urban environments – a process most often associated with the rust belt of the United States and centers of heavy industry in formerly socialist countries. Even there one can argue that deindustrialization went hand in hand with economic transformations that led, in certain parts, to examples of reindustrialization. At the same time, optimistic predictions about a surge in manufacturing in the Global South because of the relocation of capital from the North thanks to an abundant supply of cheap labor and natural resources, and thanks to trade liberalization failed to materialize. The (South) East Asian ‘tiger’ model appears to be not so easily replicable.

Το ιστορικό τοπίο στα τέλη της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης. Η Γαλλική επιστημονική αποστολή του Μοριά, 1829.

"Το ιστορικό τοπίο στα τέλη της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης. Η Γαλλική επιστημονική αποστολή του Μοριά, 1829." αποτελεί ένα ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα του Ινστιτούτου Ιστορικών Ερευνών του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών. 

Ψήφισμα της ΕΕΟΙ για το νέο σχέδιο νόμου-πλαισίου του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων «Νέοι Ορίζοντες στα Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα: Ενίσχυση της ποιότητας, της λειτουργικότητας και της σύνδεσης των ΑΕΙ με την κοινωνία και λοιπές διατάξεις»


Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Οικονομικής Ιστορίας εκφράζει την έντονη αντίθεσή του στο περιεχόμενο και, κυρίως, στο πνεύμα που διέπει το πρόσφατο νομοσχέδιο για την Ανώτατη Παιδεία, το οποίο η Υπουργός Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων κα Νίκη Κεραμέως κατέθεσε λίγο πριν τις θερινές διακοπές, θέτοντας μάλιστα ασφυκτικές προθεσμίες διαβούλευσης και ψήφισης από το Κοινοβούλιο.

2ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο της ΕΜΝΕ για το 1821 "Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση. Νέες προσεγγίσεις", Αθήνα, Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, 15-16 Ιουνίου 2022

H Εταιρεία Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού διοργανώνει το δεύτερο συνέδριο για το 1821 με θέμα: «Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση. Νέες Προσεγγίσεις».

Το συνέδριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 15 και 16 Ιουνίου 2022 στο Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, αμφιθέατρο «Λεωνίδας Ζέρβας».

Francesca Carnevali Prize 2022

The Associazione per la Storia Economica (ASE) is happy to announce the 2022 edition of the Francesca Carnevali Prize for young economic historians awarded to the best Bachelor and Master of Science thesis in economic history, dedicated to the memory of Francesca Carnevali (1964-2013).

Συγκρότηση ομάδας ανάγνωσης (reading group) της Ε.Ε.Ο.Ι.

Η Ελληνική Εταιρεία Οικονομικής Ιστορίας προχωρά στη συγκρότηση ομάδας ανάγνωσης (Reading Group) βασικών κειμένων οικονομικής ιστορίας. Καλούνται τα μέλη της Ε.Ε.Ο.Ι. που ενδιαφέρονται να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή. 

Διάλεξη του καθηγητή Sven Beckert με θέμα "Empire of Cotton. The Global Origins of Modern Capitalism", Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2022 (18:30), Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών - Αθήνα

Διάλεξη του καθηγητή Sven Beckert (έδρα Αμερικανικής Ιστορίας Laird Bell, Πανεπιστήμιο Harvard) με θέμα "Empire of Cotton. The Global Origins of Modern Capitalism" την Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2022 (18:30) στο Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Αμφιθέατρο Λ. Ζέρβας (Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 48, Αθήνα).

CfP: University of Tübingen & University of Glasgow PhD Summer School, 1-3 August 2022, Tübingen, Germany

The University of Tübingen’s Collaborative Research Center 923 – “Threatened Orders: Societies under Stress”(Germany) – provides funding for an intensive three-day event aimed at PhD students in business history or economic history working on any topic that overlaps with the theme of the school (for more details, see “Further Notes for Applicants” below). Students will, the pandemic permitting, be hosted in the historic town of Tübingen and will present, debate and discuss their works-in-progress with leading international scholars within a world-class university.

The school aims to provide doctoral students with an overview of relevant research and innovative tools and methodologies in the fields of business and economic history. It is the third event in this series organised jointly by the Seminar für Neuere Geschichte (University of Tübingen) and the Centre for Business History in Scotland (University of Glasgow).

Μνήμων, τόμ. 38 (2021)

Κυκλοφόρησε, από την Εταιρεία Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού, ο 38ος τόμος του περιοδικού Μνήμων.

Τα Ιστορικά, τχ. 74 (Απρίλιος 2022)

Κυκλοφόρησε, από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Μέλισσα, σε συνεργασία με το Μουσείο Μπενάκη, το 74ο τεύχος του περιοδικού Τα Ιστορικά.

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