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CfP "Agriculture et environnement en Europe de l’antiquité à nos jours", 6–7 February 2025, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
​CfP "Agriculture et environnement en Europe de l’antiquité à nos jours", 6–7 February 2025, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France.Deadline: 31.8.2024.


Joint CEPR and Tenth Banco de España Economic History Seminar, Madrid 30.9.2024

We invite you to submit a paper proposal to the joint CEPR and Tenth Banco de España Economic History Seminar, which will take place on 30 September 2024 at the Banco de España headquarters in Madrid.

The deadline for replies is 19 May 2024 and the organizers will notify prospective participants in June 2024 of their decision.

The scientific committee includes Rodolfo Campos (Banco de España), Rui Esteves (Geneva Graduate Institute and CEPR), Alfonso Herranz (Universitat de Barcelona) and Jacopo Timini (Banco de España).

CfP "Methods and techniques towards a European historical local population database" workshop, Valencia, Spain, October 24-25, 2024

This workshop proposal aims at bringing together scholars from various disciplines interested in reconstructing historical figures of population and, when available, measures on other socio-economic aspects of society (such as employment or literacy) for European countries by introducing the pseudomunicipalities or constant borders approach that would allow for the use of such data from an intertemporal perspective. We believe that this could be a promising starting point for constructing a network devoted to the fine-grained reconstruction of European local population in the long run. Contributions that focus on methods or empirical applications regarding all European countries, regions and time periods are encouraged.

Keynote lectures will be delivered by Diego Puga, Professor of Economics at CEMFI, and David S. Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Deadline for submission: May 17, 2024


CfP: Hidden Connections: Eastern Europe through a Comparative Lens - WEast 2024 Dublin Workshop, Dec 13-14

The economic history of Eastern Europe is sometimes written as that of an isolated, peripheral region. In this workshop, we want to emphasise the historical connections between Eastern and Western Europe, as well as to other regions of the world. By reassessing the transnational circulation of people, goods, ideas, techniques, diseases, institutions and other factors, this workshop aims to highlight innovative work that uses new archival data, advanced microdata, or techniques of causal analysis to offer a truly integrated East-West perspective. We also celebrate research that integrates insights and research techniques from multiple disciplines to redefine our understanding of Europe’s complex shared economic, industrial, ideological, and political past.


CfP "Planning and programming in European cooperation and integration: the past of a rejuvenated idea 1957-1992", European University Institute, Florence, 16-17.9.2024
Planning has come back in fashion. The climate crisis, the vicissitudes of the euro area and domestic national contexts indicate that planning is an important issue for policymakers and academics alike. In particular, the idea that the economy could be voluntarily organised, ex ante, has gained considerable traction in the past few years. The meaning of the term remains however evasive, multiple, at times even contradictory, and liable to provoke strong reactions both among its supporters and its opponents.
CfP for the Italian Society for Research in Economic History (ARiSE) Conference 2024, December 12-13, 2024, Brescia, Italy

The first Conference of the ARiSE - The Italian Society for Research in Economic History will be held in Brescia on December 12 and 13, 2024, in partnership with the University of Brescia and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The Conference is the main event of the Associazione and contributions of foreign scholars will be welcome. During the Conference, the General Meeting of the Associazione will take place and scientific contributions, which adopt a broad perspective and a variety of methodological approaches on economic history will be presented. Papers can be presented in Italian or English.


Call for Paper and Session Proposals ESSHC 2025 (Leiden, The Netherlands, 26 - 29 March 2025)

The 15th European Social Science History Conference 2025 will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, 26 - 29 March 2025, organised by the IISH and the Leiden University.

Call for WEHC 2025 Session Proposals - Deadline Extended to 15 March 2024

Call for sessions for the World Economic History Congress, to be held in Lund, Sweden, from 28 July to 1 August 2025. The text of the call and theme appears below, along with instructions for submission. The deadline for submitting sessions has been extended to March 15th, 2024. 

Session Proposal "Unearthing the Roots of Inequality: Exploring Land Property Dynamics (from Early Modern times and onwards)", World Economic History Congress (WEHC) 28 July-1 August 2025, Lund, Sweden

While inequality has played a pivotal role in shaping societies and economies worldwide, many authors have argued the importance of studying its historical evolution in order to have a deeper comprehension of its dynamics and determinants (Milanovic et al. 2011; Piketty 2013). Until recently in industrialized regions, and still today in many countries in the Global South, agriculture, and therefore land, was the main source of rents, income and wealth. This session seeks to delve into the intricate web of historical dynamics that influenced land property arrangements from Early Modern times and onwards. Our objective is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the manifold factors that contributed to the often-glaring disparities in land ownership during this transformative period. The proposed session aims to provide a nuanced exploration of the theme by employing a variety of methodologies and case studies, each offering unique insights into the complexities of land property inequality. We contend that the roots of modern land property arrangements can be traced back to this era, and understanding this historical context is essential for comprehending contemporary disparities.

CfP: "Rethinking the History of Global Capitalism", Center on Global Inequalities, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, 13-15 March 2024

The conference we are organizing in Rio de Janeiro urges scholars to rethink capitalism’s history from the vantage point of this new historical moment and to consider what are the most promising theoretical formulations, methodological approaches, and historical framings to define capitalism, identify its drivers, shed light on its mechanisms, periodize its cycles, incorporate previously neglected spaces or processes, and offer a prognosis of its current reconfiguring. While traditional analyses of capitalism’s history were centered on Europe, the United States, or the North Atlantic, new strands of scholarship recognize that such a narrow lens fails to capture the complexity of the global economy and its history.

CfP: "New Researchers in Maritime History Conference 2024", British Commission for Maritime History (BCMH), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 22 - 23 March 2024

The British Commission for Maritime History (BCMH) invites contributions to its twenty-ninth conference for new researchers. This year it will be held at the University of Strathclyde in the heart of Glasgow, a city transformed through maritime trade and shipbuilding from the early modern period onwards. This is an ideal location to hold this annual conference and provides a unique opportunity for new scholars to present their work in a historic setting.

CfP: Workshop "Oil, oligopolies, and state responses: a global and local history of oil markets, 1860s-1939", Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, 19-20 February 2024

Oil was the most important commodity of the twentieth century. It fundamentally changed societies, markets, and the relationship between states and companies. Oil is a business with high fixed costs, encouraging companies to seek economies of scale and market domination. From the start of the modern industry in the 1860s, the international oil markets within a few decades came to be dominated by a few large vertically integrated global companies. The oil majors at times competed vigorously but mostly colluded in international cartels. This meant that a few large companies tightly controlled the market for the product that societies became increasingly dependent on. All over the world, states had to find a way to deal with the market power of the dominant oil companies. The question of whether and how the authorities should regulate the oil markets became a burning political issue that brought about a diverse array of national strategies.

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Η Δράση Αναβάθμιση και Ανανέωση του ιστοχώρου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Οικονομικής Ιστορίας χρηματοδοτείται από το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Ενίσχυσης Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών 2016