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The Feminist Labour History Working Group (WG) participates in the Fifth ELHN
Conference ( with several events, including thematic sessions. For the latter, we invite members of the Working Group, and all other interested colleagues, to come up with paper and session proposals under the following open call:
Open Call for Proposals – Deadline: July 1, 2023.
The program of the Paris Business History Conference is now available.
The legacy4reuse workshop aims to gather existing expertise on legacy collections in social and economic history in order to find answers to four questions related to the sustainability requirement.
Χρήστος Χατζηιωσήφ, ομότιμος καθηγητής Ιστορίας Νεότερων Χρόνων, Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
The University of Illinois Foundation announces the inaugural John Rovensky Fellowship in International Business or Economic History. One $10,200 fellowship will be awarded for a doctoral student writing a doctoral dissertations in non-US business or economic history. The fellowships are available largely through the generosity of the late John E. Rovensky and are administered by the University of Illinois Foundation. Awardees may use the fellowship concurrently with other funding sources, including grants or teaching assignments.
In the last 60 years, the number of tourists in European Mediterranean countries has multiplied exponentially. In these countries, tourism is one of the largest service industries, therefore building a successful, destination brand is of major concern for the economy. It has also, however, societal and ideational consequences. Competing for the same ‘product’ of tourism on a global scale forms a huge part of nation branding. The narrative and imagery of a country’s attractions feeds into the construction and revamping of national identities. In this sense, tourism can become a map to guide our study of discursive, ideational and cultural changes in Mediterranean Europe, particularly in the period from 1945-1989 but also understand the impact of these discourses on cultural identity; for each one of the countries and the history of Southern Europe as a whole. Management and tourism scholars have long investigated the economic and branding implications of this phenomenon, while in recent years, anthropologists and sociologists have discovered the value of the study of tourism. Yet, the historical depth of their approaches is typically quite limited. We are interested in addressing this lacuna in the period from 1945-1990.
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system:
Title: Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής
Code: APP34140
Organization: University of Thessaly
School: Economics and Business Administration
Department/Institute: Economics
Discipline: Πολιτική Οικονομία της Εργασίας
The Institute of Economic History in the Department of Economics at the University of Hohenheim seeks to hire a Postdoctoral Researcher in Economic History beginning from October 1st, 2023.
Κυκλοφόρησε, από την Εταιρεία Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού, ο 39ος τόμος του περιοδικού Μνήμων.
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system:
Title: Επίκουρος με θητεία
Code: APP33957
Organization: University of Patras
School: Economics and Business
Department/Institute: Economics
Discipline: Οικονομική Ιστορία-Ιστορία της Οικονομικής Σκέψης
Submission Opening Date: 16/05/2023
Submission End Date: 16/07/2023
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system:
Title: Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
Code: APP33911
Organization: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
School: Philosophy
Department/Institute: History and Archaeology
Discipline: «Κοινωνική και Πολιτισμική Ιστορία της Νεότερης Ευρώπης (15ος - τέλη 18ου αιώνα)»
Submission Opening Date: 12/05/2023
Submission End Date: 13/07/2023
In case you want to attend the conference without participating, please contact Eftychia Kalaitzidou (eftychia.kalaitzidou[at] to secure a seat.