The aim of this conference is to bring together recent, evidence-based historical research on the role business and labor actors played in climate and environmental policies during the period that runs from the United Nation’s Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, in 1972, until the Conference of the Parties to be held in the United Arab Emirates in November this year. We invite submissions that focus attention on the political actions or social practices of individual corporations, CEOs, business organizations or federations, consultants, scientific experts, labor unions, workers’ coalitions, whistleblowers, etc. How did these corporate and labor actors react to the growing public attention given to human-made environmental degradation since the 1960s? How did they position themselves towards scientific evidence on climate change? What kind of transnational networks were established between actors in Europe or North America and groups in the Global South? In what circumstances did organized labor oppose the regulation of various types of pollution to the preservation of economic growth and jobs? What impact did neoliberal paradigms have on the integration of business actors into global climate governance? What strategies were put into place to influence regulations of air and water pollution on a national level? Were there conflicts between different business and labor actors on these strategies? How did lobbying influence the work of international organizations or domestic political processes? It is therefore not the history of technological innovation or management practices that is at the center of this conference, but that of power relations involving business and labor.
This workshop “History and Social Sciences: debates in Economic History” aims at debating and deepening some of the main approaches in economic history. Addressed mainly to Ph.D. students and young researchers, is interdisciplinary in nature, reflecting the profound renewal in the field and in the relationship between history and social sciences: it encourages a collective scientific and methodological discussion on how History and Social Sciences relate to each other, and on research practices in different geographical contexts. This intention stems from the observation that each discipline–or area of specialization–perceives the others according to stereotypes in which none of them ultimately recognizes itself. The gap between “historical economics” and “narrative history” does not explain these differences in perception. The workshop will therefore integrate into the dialogue quantitative methods, as well as narrative analyses concerned with the social and cultural constructions around economic dynamics.
The selected candidates will have the opportunity to present and discuss their current research and to attend historiographical seminars held by specialists in the field.
The XLII Annual Meeting of APHES welcomes paper and session proposals focusing on labour and social norms, irrespective of geographical and chronological frameworks. We particularly welcome papers that examine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the evolution of work and the perception and organization of labour over time and in different geographies.
The conference “From Seas to Oceans” aims to explore the mutual influence between the Iberian and the Nordic worlds and how it contributed to the development of European and global connections in the Early Modern period. The conference is organized by SWESP –The International Research Network of Historical connections between Spain and Sweden– with the support of the Spanish Embassy in Sweden, the History Department at Uppsala University, the CEMAS (Centre for Maritime Studies, Stockholm University) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
In France and in the French-speaking world, companies, like their counterparts in the rest of the world, have been experiencing crises and profound transformations in recent years. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has developed in a lightning fashion since the beginning of 2019, has given rise, as it does after every crisis, to numerous analyses on the changes in the economic world. These questions have been rekindled and sharpened, particularly in Europe, by the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, which, in particular, is dealing serious blows to the world trade system and, through it, to the globalization of the years 2000-2010. As always, many commentators have wondered and continue to wonder whether the 'world after' will be the same as before.
The workshop welcomes contributions that give attention to global historical perspectives. We welcome, amongst others, presentations that focus on migration, race, gender, empire, environment, networks, medicine, science and technology, colonial and postcolonial history, transnational history, and comparative history. We encourage presenters to consider their research within the broad framework offered by world history to allow for a productive discussion across various academic sub-fields.
The 48th Economic and Business History Society annual conference will be held in Porto, Portugal, on May 24-27, 2023, in partnership with the Arca Comunis Spanish Network of Fiscal History Projects and invites submissions to the conference committee on the theme of Building Bridges in Economic and Business History. At the most recent World Economic History Congress held in Paris, in July 2022, several strong appeals were made to foster interdisciplinary approaches with different areas and connect different historiographies. The organizing committee invites proposals that consider this theme. While the committee will give some preference to papers and panels that fit this theme, the conference committee will also take into consideration papers and panels that engage topics concerned with economic and business history widely construed, including financial and management history and history of economic thought.
The European integration process and its institutions have been home to several strands of economic ideas, including Keynesianism and its historical evolutions; the neo-mercantilist school; social-oriented approaches; and market-oriented and neoliberal policy options, to name but a few (Slobodian and Plehwe 2019; Stiegler 2019; Ventresca 2021; Warlouzet 2018; Young 2018). The aim of this conference is to explore the development, circulation, discussion and confrontation of economic ideas that contributed to shape the setting up of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) throughout the second half of the twentieth century.
In the last 60 years, the number of tourists in European Mediterranean countries has multiplied exponentially. In these countries, tourism is one of the largest service industries, therefore building a successful, destination brand is of major concern for the economy. It has also, however, societal and ideational consequences. Competing for the same ‘product’ of tourism on a global scale forms a huge part of nation branding. The narrative and imagery of a country’s attractions feeds into the construction and revamping of national identities. In this sense, tourism can become a map to guide our study of discursive, ideational and cultural changes in Mediterranean Europe, particularly in the period from 1945-1989 but also understand the impact of these discourses on cultural identity; for each one of the countries and the history of Southern Europe as a whole. Management and tourism scholars have long investigated the economic and branding implications of this phenomenon, while in recent years, anthropologists and sociologists have discovered the value of the study of tourism. Yet, the historical depth of their approaches is typically quite limited. We are interested in addressing this lacuna in the period from 1945-1990.
The Explorations in Economic History Workshop on Wealth and Income Inequality Around the World will meet in person on Friday and Saturday, October 6-7, 2023, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Our goal is to assemble an outstanding set of papers on historical wealth and income inequality around the world. Papers may focus on a single country or on multiple countries. We plan to accept up to eight papers, which would be published in a special issue of Explorations in Economic History in 2024. The special issue will be edited by Karen Clay and Ralf Meisenzahl.