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CfP: "The European space. Geo-economic balances and State powers in the long run", Department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan, Italy, 22-24 June 2023

The Italian Society of Economic Historians (SISE) and the “Mario Romani” Department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy), welcome paper and session proposals to the conference “The European space. Geo-economic balances and State powers in the long run”, that will be held at the Catholic University of Milan on June 22-24, 2023. 

CfP: "Διοικητικός, οικονομικός και ιδεολογικός δοσιλογισμός στην κατεχόμενη Ελλάδα και η μεταπολεμική απονομή της δικαιοσύνης", Δίκτυο για τη Μελέτη των Εμφυλίων Πολέμων, Θεσσαλονίκη, 23-25 Ιουνίου 2023

Έχουν περάσει δεκαοκτώ χρόνια από τη διεξαγωγή του διεθνούς συνεδρίου στη Σαμοθράκη με θέμα τον δοσιλογισμό, καρπός του οποίου υπήρξε η έκδοση του τόμου «Εχθρός εντός των τειχών»: Όψεις του Δωσιλογισμού στην Ελλάδα της Κατοχής. Είναι αυτονόητο ότι το ζήτημα της συνεργασίας με τον κατακτητή στα κατεχόμενα εδάφη κατά τη διάρκεια του Β΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου δεν έχει χάσει την ερευνητική δυναμική του και νέες μελέτες έχουν προστεθεί έκτοτε τόσο στην ελληνική όσο και στη διεθνή ιστοριογραφία. Με τα φώτα του ενδιαφέροντος να πέφτουν περισσότερο στον ένοπλο δοσιλογισμό, κάτι που άλλωστε είχε προτάξει και ο νομοθέτης για την εκδίκαση και την τιμωρία αυτών των νέων εθνικών εγκλημάτων από ειδικά δικαστήρια, άλλες πτυχές αυτού του πολυσύνθετου φαινομένου δεν έχουν τύχει έως τώρα της δέουσας προσοχής.

Με βάση το παραπάνω σκεπτικό διοργανώνεται συνέδριο το οποίο επιδιώκει να εστιάσει στον διοικητικό μηχανισμό που λειτούργησε υπό συνθήκες ξένης κατοχής. Στόχος του είναι να εξετάσει την πολυεπίπεδη δημόσια διοίκηση (ανώτερη και κατώτερη δημοσιοϋπαλληλία, αστυνομικές υπηρεσίες/χωροφυλακή, δικαστικές αρχές, εκπαίδευση, Εκκλησία, δήμοι, κοινότητες, νομαρχίες, φορείς και θεσμοί του δημοσίου κ.λπ.) μέσα από το πρίσμα της συνεργασίας με τους κατακτητές στο πλαίσιο αφενός της ενάσκησης των καθηκόντων των στελεχών της διοίκησης και αφετέρου ως κρατικών λειτουργών δοσιλογικών κυβερνήσεων. 

CfP: International Conference "Greek Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989)" Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2023

The Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), the Faculty of History and Geography (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava), and the Balkan History Association are organizing an international conference on 22-24 November in Thessaloniki, Greece about Greek-Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989). The conference is addressed to all academics, including young scholars, dealing with a topic related to the political, economic, cultural, and social relations of the two countries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Researchers may submit proposals on any relevant topic about the two countries during this period.

CfP Conference "Gender discrimination in Modern Greece", Norwegian Institute, Athens, 26 June 2023

Recent research not only argues that female infanticide and the mortal neglect of female infants was more common in Modern Greece than previously acknowledged, but also that Greek parents continued to treat boys and girls differently throughout childhood (in terms of food and care). These discriminatory practices, arising from a strong son preference and girls’ inferior status, therefore unduly increased female mortality rates early in life and resulted in a significant number of “missing girls” during the 19th century and the fist decades of the 20th century.

The novelty of this argument, together with the problems that Greek historical sources pose, requires further research on these issues, so this conference invites proposals studying discriminatory practices against girls and women in general in Modern Greece. We encourage interdisciplinary discussion, so contributions from a wide range of disciplines (historians, ethnographers, demographers, economists, sociologists, etc.) using both qualitative and quantitative materials are welcome. Given the importance of child abandonment in the past, studies exploring whether sex was an important dimension in the decision to get rid of unwanted babies are also especially valuable.

CfP: Rivista di Storia Economica / Italian Review of Economic History Fast track review

The Rivista di Storia Economica / Italian Review of Economic History (RSE/IREH) has embarked on a new course with the first issue of 2022. The Editorial Board aims to promote fresh research on economic history covering a wide range of countries, periods, and methods. To this aim, the RSE/IREH invites submissions for a fast-track workshop and review process.

CfP for a two-day workshop "Education and development in history: new data and methods", University of Valencia, 6-7 July 2023

The diffusion of education has been unevenly distributed in space and time, across as well as within countries. Economic historians have increasingly taken advantage of such variation across places to examine (i) the relationship between education and economic development and (ii) the determinants of schooling and human capital. Similar issues have been investigated by historians and historians of education, who have explored regional variations in schooling through analyses of national politics bringing about standardization and homogenization, and in studies of the local and regional contexts of education, shedding further lights on the complex settings that enabled the rise of mass schooling.

This workshop aims at promoting interdisciplinary perspectives on the individual, regional and cross-country differences in schooling and their change in the past and in the long run. This workshop will provide a platform where quantitative and qualitative contributions inform each other.

CfP: 53rd Annual Conference of the International Association of Labour History Institutions "Labour History beyond Europe and North America: Challenges, Initiatives, Debates", Buenos Aires, 4-8 September 2023

The scope of the topics we are interested in discussing at the conference is deliberately broad and seeks to address all aspects of interest to our institutions: the development and conservation of archives and collections, library management, initiatives in the digital humanities, issues related to research and links with researchers, projects related to the publication of books and journals. In addition to convening institutions (affiliated to IALHI or not) and specialists from the Global South, we also invite European and North American members of IALHI to contribute their reflections on these issues, based on their own experiences working with archival materials and colleagues from other regions.

CfP: "Capitalism and the Environment from Stockholm to COP28: New historical research on the role of business and labor", University of Lausanne, 9-10 November 2023

The aim of this conference is to bring together recent, evidence-based historical research on the role business and labor actors played in climate and environmental policies during the period that runs from the United Nation’s Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, in 1972, until the Conference of the Parties to be held in the United Arab Emirates in November this year. We invite submissions that focus attention on the political actions or social practices of individual corporations, CEOs, business organizations or federations, consultants, scientific experts, labor unions, workers’ coalitions, whistleblowers, etc. How did these corporate and labor actors react to the growing public attention given to human-made environmental degradation since the 1960s? How did they position themselves towards scientific evidence on climate change? What kind of transnational networks were established between actors in Europe or North America and groups in the Global South? In what circumstances did organized labor oppose the regulation of various types of pollution to the preservation of economic growth and jobs? What impact did neoliberal paradigms have on the integration of business actors into global climate governance? What strategies were put into place to influence regulations of air and water pollution on a national level? Were there conflicts between different business and labor actors on these strategies? How did lobbying influence the work of international organizations or domestic political processes? It is therefore not the history of technological innovation or management practices that is at the center of this conference, but that of power relations involving business and labor.

CfP: "Integrating the Rural World. Economy, Society and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, 1848-1939", University of Sibiu, 2-5 November 2023
The conference aims to open a forum of reflection and debate on how national elites in Central and Eastern Europe have related to the peasantry in the process of building the modern state and a democratic political system, and the way political integration took place, by transforming peasants from subjects of different public actors into active citizens. The politicization of the rural world, in the sense of increasing the participation of peasants in public affairs and their identification with certain ideas concerning the ‘common good,’ was an integral part of the phenomenon of modern transformation of societies in these regions. We wish to document the approach to the peasantry and the action of central and local state institutions (such as the school and the army). of associations of all kinds, and of different social actors (intellectuals, teachers, local notables, priests representing the local authority), focusing on the channels of communication of their modernizing agenda (such as the church or the press), circumscribed to the large register of modernization. Our aim is to also explore the impact of the penetration of modernity in the village world, such as the migration of labor to the cities as a result of industrialization, the secularization of the village, the spread of political radicalism, etc.


Workshop "History and Social Sciences: debates in Economic History", Theme: "Capitalism in historical perspective. Approaches and debates", Madrid, 29.5-2.6.2023

This workshop “History and Social Sciences: debates in Economic History” aims at debating and deepening some of the main approaches in economic history. Addressed mainly to Ph.D. students and young researchers, is interdisciplinary in nature, reflecting the profound renewal in the field and in the relationship between history and social sciences: it encourages a collective scientific and methodological discussion on how History and Social Sciences relate to each other, and on research practices in different geographical contexts. This intention stems from the observation that each discipline–or area of specialization–perceives the others according to stereotypes in which none of them ultimately recognizes itself. The gap between “historical economics” and “narrative history” does not explain these differences in perception. The workshop will therefore integrate into the dialogue quantitative methods, as well as narrative analyses concerned with the social and cultural constructions around economic dynamics.

The selected candidates will have the opportunity to present and discuss their current research and to attend historiographical seminars held by specialists in the field.

CfP: XLII APHES Conference "Labour and social norms", University of Porto, 16-17 June 2023

The XLII Annual Meeting of APHES welcomes paper and session proposals focusing on labour and social norms, irrespective of geographical and chronological frameworks. We particularly welcome papers that examine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the evolution of work and the perception and organization of labour over time and in different geographies.

CfP: SWESP 3rd International Workshop "From Seas to Oceans. Nordic and Iberian Worlds in the Early Modern Period", Stockholm University, 8-9 May 2023

The conference “From Seas to Oceans” aims to explore the mutual influence between the Iberian and the Nordic worlds and how it contributed to the development of European and global connections in the Early Modern period. The conference is organized by SWESP –The International Research Network of Historical connections between Spain and Sweden– with the support of the Spanish Embassy in Sweden, the History Department at Uppsala University, the CEMAS (Centre for Maritime Studies, Stockholm University) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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Η Δράση Αναβάθμιση και Ανανέωση του ιστοχώρου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Οικονομικής Ιστορίας χρηματοδοτείται από το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Ενίσχυσης Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών 2016