
Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in History, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), University of Oslo
31-01-2023 09:45The position is associated with the Research Group "History of Capitalism", which offers exceptional opportunities to study the early modern and modern history of Europe in the world.
Prospective applicants should submit a project proposal relevant for the research group and with a clear set of questions related to interrelation between capitalism, technology, and narratives of progress. One might consider, for instance, forms of resistance against the emergence of new technologies (such as the printing press, clocks, cars, etc.), the history of firms and corporate governance, or issues related to intellectual property law, formal and practical education (such as access to education systems and links between education and technological change), or infrastructural projects. Other topics are welcome, depending on the applicant's capabilities and interests. The geographic scope is open; however, applicants are asked to clearly state in their project proposal (3 to 5 pages) why they have chosen a particular approach and case study as well as the location of the sources they intend to use.
The History of Capitalism group currently hosts a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council about educational opportunities in Scandinavia, as well as two ERC projects on the history of intellectual property, one on the history of the creative industries and one on the history of copyright . Applicants will be given the opportunity to join these projects. There is a possibility for joint supervision as well.
For more information, see the announcement here: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/235057/doctoral-research-fellowship-in-history-history-of-capitalism
The deadline for this position is 14th March 2023.