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The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique, vol. 15 (2018)

30-09-2019 12:59

The Historical Review is an annual refereed journal of historical research in the human sciences published by the Section of Neohellenic Research, IHR / NHRF.
La Revue Historique est une revue annuelle de recherche historique en sciences humaines publiée par la Section de Recherches Néohelléniques, IRH / FNRS.

Contents / Table des matières

Special Section / Section Spéciale
Crises, genre et économies familiales adaptatives dans l’Europe méditerranéenne (fin XIXe–milieu du XXe siècle) / Crises, Gender and Adaptive Family Economies in Mediterranean Europe (late 19th–mid 20th century)

Introduction: Des économies familiales adaptatives en temps de crise dans l’Europe méditerranéenne
Manuela Martini and Leda Papastefanaki

Conflict over Women’s Working Times on the Eve of Industrialisation: Spanish Social Reformers’ Surveys at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Cristina Borderías

La famille et l’OST: effets divergents de la rationalisation dans l’industrie minière de l’Europe du Sud pendant l’entre-deux-guerres
Francesca Sanna

Family Business in the Brick and Tile Industry in Athens, 1900–1940 
Michalis A. Bardanis

Family and Labour in Corfu Manufacturing, 1920–1944
Dimitrios Kopanas


The Ways of the Nation: Messianic and Universalist Nationalism in Renieris, Zambelios and Paparrigopoulos
Pericles S. Vallianos

Theodoros Karoussos’ Interpretation of Hellenism: A Case of National Philosophy
Roxane D. Argyropoulos

Nationalism and Minorities in the Ottoman Balkans: Greek Discourses on the Eastern Crisis (1875–1878)
Christos Iliadis

Reassessing the Greek National Schism of World War I: The Ideological Parameters
Basil C. Gounaris and Marianna D. Christopoulos

Charity from Afar: The Ioannina Foundations of the Greek Communities of Vienna (1769–1914)
Stefano Saracino

Critical Perspectives /Approches Critiques
Stamatios T. Chondrogiannis, Byzantium in the World: Artistic, Cultural and Ideological Legacy from the 19th to the 21st Century
Jenny P. Albani

Ioannis P. Chouliaras (ed.), Ιερά Μονή Κοιμήσεως Θεοτόκου Γηρομερίου. Ιστορία-Τέχνη/The Holy Monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin in Giromeri: History–Art
Nicholas Melvani

Howell A. Lloyd, Jean Bodin, “This Pre-eminent Man of France”: An Intellectual Biography
Alexandra Sfoini

Julian Swann, Exile, Imprisonment, or Death: The Politics of Disgrace in Bourbon France, 1610–1789
Stephen Brogan

Pascal Firges, French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limiting of Universal Revolution, 1792–1798
Georges Koutzakiotis

Thomas W. Gallant, Νεότερη Ελλάδα: Από τον Πόλεμο της Ανεξαρτησίας μέχρι τις μέρες μας [Modern Greece: From the War of Independence to the Present]
Katerina Gardikas

Axel Körner, America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865
Gerassimos D. Pagratis

Joep Leerssen (ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe
Sophia Matthaiou

C. Th. Dimaras annual lecture, 2017

Maria Christina Chatziioannou

World History as Oceanic History: Beyond Braudel 
David Armitage

All articles are in open access through the link:


Η Δράση Αναβάθμιση και Ανανέωση του ιστοχώρου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Οικονομικής Ιστορίας χρηματοδοτείται από το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Ενίσχυσης Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών 2016