
Call for Expression of Interest for a post-doc researcher in Economic History, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena
27-06-2023 14:08The Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Siena is seeking to hire a postdoctoral researcher in Economic History.
The position is expected to be for a duration of two years, starting around November 2023, with a gross yearly salary of approximately 27.000 € – which is normally roughly equal to a net monthly salary of 1600/1700 € (a competitive earning given the cost of living in Tuscany).
The researcher will be involved in the project Tracing the roots of human capital inequality in early-modern Italy, 17th-19th centuries, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
Candidates should possess a PhD in Economic History or related fields (applicants who are close to completing their PhD will also be considered). The project primarily focuses on the following themes:
a. Human capital
b. Institutions
c. Guilds
Prior experience in researching Italian historical sources within the project's time frame will be an asset. Candidates with a strong expertise in the application of econometric tools, including GIS and spatial econometrics, will receive special consideration.
Interested candidates may contact Prof. Gabriele Cappelli (gabriele.cappelli[at]unisi.it), indicating "Expression of Interest for PRIN project" in the subject line.
Disclaimer: this is not yet a job vacancy advertisement. Based on the expressions of interest for these positions, the University of Siena will decide when to open a Call for Applications.