The economic history of Eastern Europe is sometimes written as that of an isolated, peripheral region. In this workshop, we want to emphasise the historical connections between Eastern and Western Europe, as well as to other regions of the world. By reassessing the transnational circulation of people, goods, ideas, techniques, diseases, institutions and other factors, this workshop aims to highlight innovative work that uses new archival data, advanced microdata, or techniques of causal analysis to offer a truly integrated East-West perspective. We also celebrate research that integrates insights and research techniques from multiple disciplines to redefine our understanding of Europe’s complex shared economic, industrial, ideological, and political past.
The aim of this conference is to explore the varied origins and practices about planning in a European context since 1945. We understand ‘planning’ in broad terms as attempts to coordinate economic policies and organise ex ante the economic development of a given jurisdiction (state or group of states). We also understand ‘European context’ in a broad sense, including not only the European Economic Community/European Union but also initiatives that aimed beyond its borders.
There are lively debates in both economic history and contemporary debates about the continued or new relevance of planning (Monnet, 2022). Similarly, the historiography of European integration is a very dynamic field that explored the issue of planning in different contexts (Christian, Kott and Matejka, 2018). What this conference intends to focus on is not only the development of ideas about planning but also importantly on the practices of planning in an international context.
What do national experiences in Europe and their comparison tell us about the
nature and practice of planning? What phenomena of transnational circulation of ideas and imitation between national experiences occurred after 1945 and how did they condition the ascending and descending phases of the planning age? To what extent was planning part of the development of the European Economic Community? What were the obstacles to planning in the EEC/EU? What role did Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) play in the debates on planning? How was the idea of planning/programming abandoned in the 1980s, both at national and international level?
Topics of papers presented at the conference may include, but are not limited to:
- Proposals and initiatives to develop planning/programming in a European context, both at national and transnational level
The conference - organized by the Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre - will take place on 16-17 September 2024 at the European University Institute in Florence.
Eligibility and how to apply:
PhD students, early career researchers, and established researchers are invited to submit proposals.
Applicants should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words outlining their proposal, and a short CV by 15 May 2024 to Miriam Curci, Miriam.Curci@
Please note that should your institution be unable to do so, conference funds are available to support your accommodation and travel expenses.
For further information please contact Miriam Curci,
Scientific committee
Professor Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (European University Institute)
Christian, Michel, Kott, Sandrine and Matejka, Ondrej (eds), Planning in Cold War Europe, Competition, Cooperation, Circulations (1950s-1970s), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018
Monnet, Éric, “Economic Planning and War Economy in the Context of Ecological Crisis,” Green 2:1, September 2022
University of Brescia, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Brescia, December 12-13, 2024
The first Conference of the ARiSE - The Italian Society for Research in Economic History will be held in Brescia on December 12 and 13, 2024, in partnership with the University of Brescia and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The Conference is the main event of the Associazione and contributions of foreign scholars will be welcome. During the Conference, the General Meeting of the Associazione will take place and scientific contributions, which adopt a broad perspective and a variety of methodological approaches on economic history will be presented. Papers can be presented in Italian or English.
The Organizing Committee will consider paper proposals on economic and social history of a wide variety of periods and countries, with a special appreciation for works presented by young scholars. A poster session will be reserved to young researchers who are currently pursuing or have recently completed their PhD. The organizing Committee also welcomes proposals for an entire session comprising no more than 4 papers.
Each paper proposal should include: the paper title, the names of all authors, an abstract of max 300 words, up to 3 keywords, and all details of the corresponding author. Each abstract should contain the background, the main research question, the sources and methods used.
Proposals must be submitted by May 15, 2024 to arise.segreteria[at] The session proposals should include, in addition to the specified requirements for the papers, the session title, the name of the session organizer, and a brief session presentation (max 200 words). Each scholar cannot be the author of more than two papers.
A notice of acceptance of the proposal will be sent to the authors by June 15, 2024. Accepted papers must be submitted by November 15, 2024.
The Conference registration, both as a speaker and as a participant, requires the payment of a participation fee equal to 50 euro. The deadline for registration is September 30, 2024. Registration arrangements will be announced later along with logistical ones. Scholarships to cover the registration cost are available for young scholars who request it.
The 15th European Social Science History Conference 2025 will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, 26 - 29 March 2025, organised by the IISH and the Leiden University.
Call for sessions for the World Economic History Congress, to be held in Lund, Sweden, from 28 July to 1 August 2025. The text of the call and theme appears below, along with instructions for submission. Please note that:
1. The deadline for submitting sessions has been extended to March 15th, 2024. Make sure have submitted your proposals by that date. Sessions should be submitted via the Congress website at
2. Sessions proposals do not need to include complete lists of speakers at the time of submission. Proposals need to include a clear theme and and and indicative list of participants, but as in previous years the list of speakers can be finalised closer to the Congress.
3. While there will only be ONE main call for sessions during this Congress owing to impact of the pandemic on planning, the Executive Committee may leave room on the schedule for late breaking sessions on topics of current relevance. This will be assessed by the EC in the 6-9 months leading up to the Congress.
The 20th World Economic History Congress will convene from 28 July – 1 August 2025 in Lund, Sweden. The theme for the Congress is "Equality and Sustainability Challenges", which highlights some of the central issues facing humanity today and also connects to a broad and diverse range of historical problems. To address both the challenges and to find insights from the historical record for that endeavour, a range of perspectives will be necessary.
The IEHA has a particularly strong desire to attract sessions related to this theme. However, submissions are welcome on the economic and social histories of all places and periods, and on the exploration of varied sources and methods, and on the theory and uses of economic history itself. We also invite members to employ and analyse diverse strategies for representing the past.
Sessions may be proposed by any member of the international economic history community, whatever their institutional affiliation or status, as well as by scholars in related disciplines. Given the diversity of our membership, we will consider any submission that advances the study, teaching and public presentation of economic history. We welcome panel proposals that highlight scholarship emerging from economic history, business history, financial history, demographic history, environmental history, global and world history, social history, urban and agrarian history, gender studies, material culture, methodological approaches to historical research, history of economics and economic thought, science and technology studies, and other related fields.
The programme of the Lund Congress will be organised on the same principles as previous Congresses. The 5-day Congress will have approximately 180 sessions, with each day divided into time blocks of 90 minutes each (two before lunch and two after lunch). As in the past, it will be possible to combine two sessions into larger coherent units.
The session proposals should contain:• Name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the session organiser• Possible co-organisers (optional)• Title of the session• Description of the session’s aim, contribution, and relevance (max 5,000 characters with blanks)• Potential researchers (and their affiliations) to invite to the session or those already secured
The call for sessions will close on March 15, 2024. Sessions should be submitted via the Congress website at Please note that unlike in past years, there will be ONLY ONE call for sessions. Decisions will be finalised in June 2024.
While inequality has played a pivotal role in shaping societies and economies worldwide, many authors have argued the importance of studying its historical evolution in order to have a deeper comprehension of its dynamics and determinants (Milanovic et al. 2011; Piketty 2013). Until recently in industrialized regions, and still today in many countries in the Global South, agriculture, and therefore land, was the main source of rents, income and wealth. This session seeks to delve into the intricate web of historical dynamics that influenced land property arrangements from Early Modern times and onwards. Our objective is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the manifold factors that contributed to the often-glaring disparities in land ownership during this transformative period. The proposed session aims to provide a nuanced exploration of the theme by employing a variety of methodologies and case studies, each offering unique insights into the complexities of land property inequality. We contend that the roots of modern land property arrangements can be traced back to this era, and understanding this historical context is essential for comprehending contemporary disparities.
The conference we are organizing in Rio de Janeiro urges scholars to rethink capitalism’s history from the vantage point of this new historical moment and to consider what are the most promising theoretical formulations, methodological approaches, and historical framings to define capitalism, identify its drivers, shed light on its mechanisms, periodize its cycles, incorporate previously neglected spaces or processes, and offer a prognosis of its current reconfiguring. While traditional analyses of capitalism’s history were centered on Europe, the United States, or the North Atlantic, new strands of scholarship recognize that such a narrow lens fails to capture the complexity of the global economy and its history.
The British Commission for Maritime History (BCMH) invites contributions to its twenty-ninth conference for new researchers. This year it will be held at the University of Strathclyde in the heart of Glasgow, a city transformed through maritime trade and shipbuilding from the early modern period onwards. This is an ideal location to hold this annual conference and provides a unique opportunity for new scholars to present their work in a historic setting.
Oil was the most important commodity of the twentieth century. It fundamentally changed societies, markets, and the relationship between states and companies. Oil is a business with high fixed costs, encouraging companies to seek economies of scale and market domination. From the start of the modern industry in the 1860s, the international oil markets within a few decades came to be dominated by a few large vertically integrated global companies. The oil majors at times competed vigorously but mostly colluded in international cartels. This meant that a few large companies tightly controlled the market for the product that societies became increasingly dependent on. All over the world, states had to find a way to deal with the market power of the dominant oil companies. The question of whether and how the authorities should regulate the oil markets became a burning political issue that brought about a diverse array of national strategies.
Young Scholars Initiative and Figuerola Institute invite you to the Economic History Workshop of Developing Regions at Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). There has been recent growth in the economic history literature on developing countries, backed by quantified evidence. However, this expansion lags significantly behind the well-established corpus of literature centered on the core European and North American contexts. Bridging this gap in the literature is crucial to comprehensively addressing the major questions in economic history. Indeed, we still lack comparable historical datasets of markets, land ownership, human capital, and tax records in developing regions due to limited access to primary sources and insufficient funding opportunities.
We invite your participation in “Climate and Business/The Business Climate,” a conference sponsored by the Canadian Business History Association – l’association Canadienne pour l’histoire des affaires, to be held in Banff, Alberta, 19-21 September, 2024 at the Banff Centre. The planning committee welcomes proposals for papers and roundtables relating to business history within a Canadian or international context.
L’objet précieux, et plus particulièrement le bijou, suscitent, au fil des siècles et des espaces, des réactions qui se réitèrent et se répondent, malgré la variation des contextes, des époques et des lieux. En effet, si la réprobation pour les notions de dissipation et de luxe – souvent ostentatoires – est récurrente depuis l’Antiquité déjà (Pline l’Ancien), l’action bénéfique de l’objet précieux est également revendiquée, sur la base de plusieurs raisons : esthétiques, symboliques, religieuses et économiques. L’objet précieux est à la fois un agalma resplendissant et digne d’admiration ; une offrande pour les dieux ou pour les morts, dont la valeur doit être proportionnelle à la dignité des destinataires ; un symbole de statut, de pouvoir, d’alliance et de fidélité, dans lequel des valeurs culturelles sont condensées ; un héritage social ou familial, à la fois véhicule et gage de la transmission et de la tradition ; un inspirateur de la création artistique et du développement des techniques ; enfin l’un des éléments d’échange privilégiés dans l'économie du don, voire un moteur de l’économie, comme il est souligné par plusieurs auteurs tout au long de la réflexion occidentale sur le luxe, de Bernard de Mandeville à Jean-Baptiste Say, à Werner Sombart et bien d’autres.