
Call for sessions and papers on Labour and Working Class Studies, 14th European Social Science History Conference, 12-15 April 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden
02-03-2022 08:07On 12-15 April 2023 the 14th European Social Science History Conference will take place in Gothenburg (Sweden) – https://esshc.socialhistory.org/. The ESSHC brings together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. It is organized in a large number of networks that cover specific fields of interest. The conference language is English.
One of the largest networks of the ESSHC is Labour. We think that progress in labour history and studies is made by analysing global developments in labour relations and labour struggles, including the influence of these global developments on local and national contexts and vice versa. It also remains essential to take into account other constituent elements of working class identities besides class, such as gender, ethnicity, religion, age and nationality. Labour can also provide an analytical lens to study the interconnectedness of political, economic, and cultural developments, and specific issues such as management strategies, colonial relations, factories and other sites of production (plantations, mines, households), slavery, free and unfree labour, formal and informal labour activism, etc. Moreover, labour history and studies provide essential insights into pressing contemporary issues such as globalization, social inequality, migration, and precariousness.
The Labour Network welcomes any session or paper proposal dealing with all topics and periods in labour and working class history and studies. Please read carefully the selection criteria below before submitting your proposal.
The Labour Network seeks to broaden its temporal, geographical, and disciplinary scope, and therefore encourage sessions and papers from all time periods and all regions. We welcome the organisation of conference sessions that move beyond the traditional conference panel, such as film screenings, book panels etc. Roundtable discussions that present and discuss important books, articles, changing institutional and educational structures and other concerns within labour history are also encouraged. For ESSHC 2023, we encourage submissions that focus on the following topics: the state of the art in global labour history; the connection between labour studies and labour activism; and the use of digital humanities in the study of labour.
Since the coherence of sessions will be an important criterion, propositions of full sessions with three to five papers will be easier to accommodate in the conference programme than single papers. However, we do accept single paper proposals, both in order to include them in proposed sessions and to compose a limited number of new sessions. Moreover, while most sessions choose the panel format, other types of sessions are encouraged. We also have a preference for sessions with a comparative character, geographically and/or chronologically.
We heartily encourage young scholars, such as PhD and master students, to organize sessions and propose papers within the Labour Network. We remind you of the Jan Lucassen Prize for the best paper of a junior scholar at the ESSHC (see http://esshc.socialhistory.org/award).
Further information on the ESSHC is available from the conference website at http://esshc.socialhistory.org/.
For specific questions about the Labour Network, please contact the chairs: Görkem Akgöz (akgozgorkem[at]yahoo.com), Peyman Jafari (pjafari[at]princeton.edu) and Hanne Østhus (hanne.osthus[at]ntnu.no).
Criteria for selection
For the purpose of transparency, and as guidance to your submissions, please find below here a list of the key criteria that will guide our selection.
We will:
- accept session proposals with a minimum of three and a maximum of five speakers.
- accept single and double session proposals, but no triple session proposals. Double sessions may include from a minimum of six to a maximum of ten speakers.
- not accept sessions that stem from single institutions, single research projects and/or single countries.
- not accept session or paper proposals which substantially overlap with those presented at previous conferences or at previous editions of the ESSHC. If your session or paper proposal is a sequel of a session or paper you have presented earlier on, please state it explicitly in your submission and tell us how the new proposal will differ from the previous one(s).
- prioritise session proposals, but reserve some time-slots to sessions stemming from paper proposals. We will also actively seek to place individual papers in appropriate session proposals.
When selecting papers, the chairs of the Labour Network will be guided by the following priorities:
- multiple spatial contexts, rather than a single country.
- a comparative approach.
- balanced themes, approaches and time-frames within the field of labour history and studies.
- balanced composition of senior and junior researchers (including PhD and master students).
- balanced gender representation among speakers, chairs and discussants.
We will ask you to decide about the chairs and discussants in your accepted session. If you don’t provide us with any name by the time the final programme is due to be published, we or the ESSHC organizers will assign one chair and one discussant to your session. As a standard, sessions with five speakers have one chair, but no discussant.
In case you have any doubt regarding these criteria, please do not hesitate to contact us prior to your mission.
Deadline: 15 April 2022