
Call for expressions of interest: one PhD position in economic history under the framework Iberus Inter.doc, a MSCA action
29-12-2024 19:02The economic history unit at the Department of Economics, Public University of Navarre (UPNA) will open one PhD position starting at the end of 2025. The position offers the opportunity to compete for funding under the framework Iberus Interdoc, a Horizon Europe Marie Slodowska-Curie Action Cofund. Selected candidates will enter a competitive selection process, with strong prospects of securing a four-year grant (5 grants available across 11 research lines). If the candidate is selected, she/he will also join the Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics (INARBE) and will work jointly with two other PhD students, already enrolled in a related project (Energy transitions, natural resources, and industrialization, led by Cristián Ducoing).
We are looking expressions of interest by students with a background in economics, history or related disciplines to participate in the following line of research:
- Energy Inertia: the path dependence of previous investments in our current and future energy systems
To be eligible for admission candidates should have completed a Master’s degree or equivalent and not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the call deadline.
Interested applicants are asked to contact the Professor Mar Rubio and/or Senior Researcher Cristián Ducoing with the following documents: a short CV (2 pages), a motivation letter with a potential research project (max 3 pages), and an academic record. If available, a master’s thesis could be attached as well.
We are looking forward to receiving your expressions of interest before January, 15th 2025!
Please, send your expressions of interest to the prospective supervisors:
Mar Rubio-Varas, mar.rubio@unavarra.es
Cristián Ducoing Ruiz, cristianarturo.ducoing@unavarra.es