
Call for expression of Interest for 1 fixed-term Tenure Track Researcher (RTT) in Economic History (13/C1)
06-03-2024 21:41The Department of Economics and Statistics (DEPS) at the University of Siena, in attempt to strengthening its international position and to enhance the areas of expertise already well developed in the faculty, is opening a new tenured position of researcher in economic and social history. The expertise of the current academic staff of the DEPS in the field of economic history is mainly focused in the following topics:
• Sources and drivers of technological change in historical perspective
• Human capital formation in the long run
• Long run economic growth and the evolution of living standards
• Real wages and economic growth in historical perspective
The position will be covered by an open competitive evaluation procedure (i.e. concorso) according to the Italian law (Law 240/2010 art. 24) for a Position of a tenure track Researcher (RTT), Researcher becoming Associate Professor after 6 years upon confirmation and having obtained abilitazione (national qualification). Before the formal opening of the position, the Department of Economics and Statistics is launching a Call for Expression of Interest for potential candidates.
Profile: The DEPS is looking for economic historians with a research background in one or more of the four previously indicated research domains and who are expected to carry out cutting-edge research in synergy with the existing academic staff working on related topics. The recruited Researcher will contribute to strengthening the teaching activities of the Department at both levels of undergraduate and master. He/she will also be actively involved in the management and administrative activities of the Department.
Terms and Conditions: The yearly gross salary for a RTT researcher is € 56,500 for the entire duration of the contract.
Application procedure: Interested candidates are requested to send their CV (max 3 pages) and a motivation letter by email to amministrazione.deps[at]unisi.it by 31 March 2024. Please indicate in the subject line of the message: RTT-ECONOMIC HISTORY. All correspondence and expressions of interest will be kept strictly confidential.
In case of inquiries, please contact prof. Michelangelo Vasta (vasta[at]unisi.it). The candidate will be notified about the results of the call for interest within 30 days from the deadline. The candidates could be invited for an interview at the DEPS of the University of Siena.
Timing: It is expected to fill the position by December 2024.
Equal opportunities: DEPS is an equally-opportunity/
Disclaimer: this is not yet a job vacancy advertisement. Based on the expressions of interest for these positions, the University of Siena will determine whether or not to launch an open competition (pursuant art. 18 or art. 7 of the Italian Law 240/2010).