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CfP: "Geoeconomics: New developments and historical perspectives", 11-12 April 2025, University of Tübingen, Germany

01-10-2024 02:04

Geoeconomics is an emerging field, but the issues with which it is concerned are not new. Historically, geopolitical factors have always been shaping economic outcomes and vice versa. In this conference we build on this insight and bring together research on recent geoeconomic phenomena as well as historical perspectives. The range of research topics includes (but is not limited to): the macroeconomic impact of war, trade with friends and foes, geopolitical risks and fragmentation, resilience and global value chains, geopolitical tensions and inequality, state capacity and military buildups.

This two-half day conference will bring together research on geoeconomics. It is jointly organized by the CEPR (RPN Geoeconomics), the Kiel Institute, and University of Tübingen and will take place at Schloss Hohentübingen. The submission deadline is Sunday, 20 October 2024, 6PM (CEST), 5PM (BST), 12PM (EDT).

Keynote speaker: Mathias Thoenig (HEC Lausanne and CEPR) 

How to apply:

Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

 1. Going to and logging in

 2. After you have logged in, go to

 3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"

 4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"

 5. Tick the boxes that apply to you. You can apply to attend without a paper, or tick "Would you like to submit a paper?" to submit a paper.

 6. Click "Submit form" to complete your application.

 Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

 1. Creating a new profile here

 2. After you have logged in, go to

 3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"

 4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"

 5. Tick the boxes that apply to you. You can apply to attend without a paper, or tick "Would you like to submit a paper?" to submit a paper.

 6. Click "Submit form" to complete your application.

Funding: Presenters will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation expenses according to CEPR guidelines.


Jörg Baten (University of Tübingen, CEPR)

Anna Gumpert (University of Tübingen, CEPR)

Ralph Luetticke (University of Tübingen, CEPR)

Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen, CEPR)

Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute, CEPR)

Submissions deadline: 20 October 2024

For more info: please contact Gernot Müller (Gernot.mueller[at] or Joerg.baten[at]



Η Δράση Αναβάθμιση και Ανανέωση του ιστοχώρου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Οικονομικής Ιστορίας χρηματοδοτείται από το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Ενίσχυσης Επιστημονικών Εταιρειών 2016