
CfP: Cambridge World History Workshop (Lent 2023)
30-11-2022 14:32The Cambridge World History Workshop is now inviting submissions to deliver papers during Lent Term 2023.
The workshop welcomes contributions that give attention to global historical perspectives. We welcome, amongst others, presentations that focus on migration, race, gender, empire, environment, networks, medicine, science and technology, colonial and postcolonial history, transnational history, and comparative history. We encourage presenters to consider their research within the broad framework offered by world history to allow for a productive discussion across various academic sub-fields.
We invite submissions from individual graduate students and early-career researchers at all stages of their research (including work-in-progress) from Cambridge and beyond. Each paper should be 25-30 minutes in length, and will be followed by 30-45 minutes of discussion.
The workshops will take place on Thursdays at 2.00-3.30 pm during term time. We encourage submissions from speakers from within and beyond Cambridge. As always, we are committed to providing a forum for diverse contributions and helpful feedback in an inclusive environment.
Please submit your abstract (200-250 words), a short bio (50-100 words), a note on your availability, and your preferred mode of presentation (in-person or online) by completing this Google Form by 10th December 2022: https://forms.gle/Vy7dQ7H7VsYYgZ586.
We hope to announce decisions on all submissions by 20th December 2022. Please contact us (worldhistoryworkshop[at]gmail.com) with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,
World History Workshop Convenors 2022-2023
(Bipasha Bhattacharyya, Darold Cuba, Thomas McNally, Allan Pang, Thomas Parkinson)