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CfP: Cologne FRESH Meeting 2023 "Historical political economy and long-run development", University of Cologne, 24-25 May 2023
29-11-2022 14:57Political economy has recently been described as the methodology of economics applied to the analysis of political behavior and institutions. Using history as a laboratory to contribute to political-economic theory and empirics has proven immensely valuable. This encompasses the use of historical data to study institutions and human behavior in the historical context but also to assess the validity of theories in economics and political sciences.
This two-day FRESH workshop will be held in person at the University of Cologne, Germany on May 24-25, 2023. The purpose is to create the opportunity for graduate students and early stage researchers to present and discuss their work in an environment especially focused on constructive feedback and support. The keynote speaker for this meeting will be Sascha Becker, Xiaokai Yang Chair of Business and Economics at Monash University.
The meeting will welcome economic and social historians, political scientists, and scholars from related disciplines with a shared interest for causal inference using historical data. We invite papers from a broad range of topics, especially those connected to the broad theme of the workshop. Potential paper topics include:
- Historical political economy and institutional change
- Labor economics, especially discrimination, migration, and education
- Innovation and technical change
- Culture and religion
- Violence and conflict
- Urban economics and transportation
- Environmental and energy economics
- Causal inference using text-as-data and spatial data
Researchers interested in presenting should send an abstract of max. 500 words or a full paper, as well as a brief (1–2 page) CV to fresh2023[at]wiso.uni-koeln.de. Early career scholars and researchers from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the academy are especially encouraged to apply. All submissions will be acknowledged.
We offer hotel accommodation and meals and will subsidize travel expenses for all presenters.
Important Dates:
- 10 February 2023: Deadline for submissions
- 10 March 2023: Presenters will be notified of acceptance
- 24 -25 May 2023: Conference at University of Cologne
This meeting is organized by Erik Hornung in association with the Frontier Research in Economic and Social History series (FRESH-organizer Sandra de Pleijt). For more information about the FRESH meeting, please visit https://ehes.org/fresh-meetings/
See the Call for Paper also here: https://wigesch.uni-koeln.de/de/research/cologne-fresh-meeting-2023