
CfA: A special issue on “pandemics in world economic history” - Economics and Human Biology
14-11-2022 10:27We invite contributions for a special issue on “pandemics in world economic history” in the journal “Economics and Human Biology”. If you are interested to participate, please let us know until 30 November; submissions would then be expected until 15 January 2023. Regarding the background, “Economics and Human Biology” is a journal on the relationship between human biology and economic factors with many health economics contributions; about 10% of the contributions are historical studies, mainly on crucial questions related to health, height, and mortality. The impact factor compares very well to the five top economic history journals.
P.S. Please submit under https://www.editorialmanager.com/ehb/default2.aspx
Then select the article type "VSI: Pandemics in World Economic History".