The Department of Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense in cooperation with The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks strong candidates for one or more vacant positions as Full Professor in Economics with focus on Big Data and Large Language Models in Social Data Science, preferably related to economic history and/or macroeconomics.
The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, is looking to recruit a tenure-track assistant professor in economic history, c. 1500-1900, focusing on Europe in an international/global setting.
The economic history unit at the Department of Economics, Public University of Navarre (UPNA) will open one PhD position starting at the end of 2025. The position offers the opportunity to compete for funding under the framework Iberus Interdoc, a Horizon Europe Marie Slodowska-Curie Action Cofund.
The Greek Economic History Association (GEHA) and the Electronic Bulletin of Economic History wishes you Happy 2025.
We welcome visiting scholars who wish to undertake research at the Vinson Centre (University of Buckingham) for 4 – 6 weeks. We have a superb history of economic thought library (the Hayek Library) which visiting scholars can use for the duration of their stay.
Two Assistant Professorships in all fields of Economics, including Economic History, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
The Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy at the University of Barcelona is recruiting one tenure-eligible lecturer in the area of History of Economic Thought.
The IOS Annual Conference 2025 will explore differences and similarities in economic development between the interwar period and the post-1989 period, i.e., between the beginning and the end of Europe’s “Long Twentieth Century”. We use this notion deliberately. In line with recent research, we reassess the interwar period in a more positive light, shifting from older narratives of fragmentation and autarky to economic growth, structural change and social attainment. Moreover, the post-1989 period has allowed countries in the region to build on the opportunities first awarded to them in the interwar period. Both issues are vital but largely neglected by proponents of a “Short Twentieth Century” and by those who stress the detrimental effects of the fragmentation of Empire and the end of socialist modernity.
CEPR and the Study Center Gerzensee invite you to submit a paper proposal or to express your interest in attending the twelfth CEPR Economic History Symposium, which will take place in Gerzensee, Switzerland, 24-25 April 2025.
We have now opened the registration for participation in World Economic History Congress 2025. https://wehc2025.com/
Please note that the Early Bird deadline is by the end of January 2025.
The Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize is awarded every other year for an Outstanding Book on the Economic History of Europe
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: January 15, 2025
The Ranki Prize was established by the Economic History Association in 1989 to honor the late Gyorgy Ranki, a distinguished Hungarian economic historian who taught in both Hungary and the United States. The Ranki Prize is awarded biennially for an outstanding book in European economic history and is in the amount of $1,200. It alternates with the Alice Hanson Jones Prize for a book in North American (including Caribbean) economic history and coincides with the Lindert-Williamson Prize.
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system: Title: Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή ή Επίκουρου Καθηγητή επί θητεία, Code: APP43815, Organization: UNIVERSITY OF CRETE, School: SOCIAL SCIENCES, Department/Institute: ECONOMICS, Discipline: Οικονομική Θεωρία και Πολιτική
Submission Opening Date: 31/10/2024
Submission End Date: 30/12/2024