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Call for articles for Special Issue in Scandinavian Economic History Review "Patent history and economic growth: Institutional frameworks, practices, and global perspectives"

This special issue seeks to deepen our understanding of the historical role of patent systems in fostering innovation and economic growth. Patents have been critical in shaping economic activity, influencing industrial policy, and promoting technological progress. However, the complexities surrounding patent systems—both in terms of their institutional development and their economic impact—warrant further scholarly exploration. This special issue aims to address such complexities and provide a comprehensive view of how patent systems have evolved and interacted with economic growth.
The focus on patent history will contribute to ongoing debates on the relationship between legal institutions and economic outcomes, offering new insights into how patents have functioned as both enablers and barriers to innovation throughout history.

Research project and database "Entreprises françaises en Grèce, 1850-1960" [French entreprises in Greece, 1850-1960]

The research project "Entreprises françaises en Grèce, 1850-1960" was carried out at the École Française d'Athènes (2017-2021) under the scientific responsibility of Christina Agriantoni (University of Thessaly) and Olivier Raveux (UMR TELEMMe, Aix-Marseille Université).

The project aims to identify French companies that have worked in Greece, particularly in the industrial and public works sectors, and to study their strategies, their contribution to the economic and technological development of the host country, the political factors that influenced their choices, and the role of the personal networks created between the two countries.

The project was funded by the École Française d'Athènes and the UMR TELEMME of the University of Aix-Marseille. More about the project here:

You can see the entries for French companies, the French engineering mission and persons (entrepreneurs, engineers) in the project database


Collaborating researchers - authors of the articles:

Christina Agriantoni (University of Thessaly)

Mauve Carbonell (Aix-Marseille Université)

Konstantinos Chatzis (École des Ponts ParisTech & Université Gustave Eiffel)

Xavier Daumalin (Aix-Marseille Université, TELEMMe)

Anna Mahera (University of Ioannina)

Georgia Mavrogonatou (National Technical University of Athens)

Leda Papastefanaki (University of Ioannina)

Olivier Raveux (UMR TELEMMe, Aix-Marseille Université).

Call for articles: "U.S. Capitalism Beyond the New History of Capitalism"

Call for articles: "U.S. Capitalism Beyond the New History of Capitalism" for an issue in the  Journal of American History and Politics (to be published in 2026).

CfP: Journal of Energy History / Revue d’histoire de l’énergie, Special Issue

Eogan, the network of energy archives, are preparing a special issue dedicated to energy archives and energy history for the 15th anniversary of Eogan, which will be published for the Journal of Energy History / Revue d'histoire de l'énergie, a peer-reviewed, open access journal.

2025 Wishes from the Electronic Bulletin of Economic History

The Greek Economic History Association (GEHA) and the Electronic Bulletin of Economic History wishes you Happy 2025.

Call for applications: Visiting Scholars Programme, Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham, U.K.

We welcome visiting scholars who wish to undertake research at the Vinson Centre (University of Buckingham) for 4 – 6 weeks. We have a superb history of economic thought library (the Hayek Library) which visiting scholars can use for the duration of their stay.

Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize

The Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize is awarded every other year for an Outstanding Book on the Economic History of Europe
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: January 15, 2025
The Ranki Prize was established by the Economic History Association in 1989 to honor the late Gyorgy Ranki, a distinguished Hungarian economic historian who taught in both Hungary and the United States. The Ranki Prize is awarded biennially for an outstanding book in European economic history and is in the amount of $1,200. It alternates with the Alice Hanson Jones Prize for a book in North American (including Caribbean) economic history and coincides with the Lindert-Williamson Prize.

Participation grants, World Economic History Conference, 28 July – 1 August 2025, Lund, Sweden

To promote participation from regions normally less represented at international scientific conferences, the 20th WEHC 2024 has set up a significant support scheme for scholars who have less access to funding than those from OECD countries. Grant holders may present a paper, organise or chair a session, present a Poster, or simply attend the Congress, but priority will be given to those who will play an active part.
For further information and instruction, follow this link:

Call for Articles: Entreprises et Histoire, "Mining companies and transitions"

If mining and social and environmental responsibility seem incompatible in practice, how can we account for the rhetoric that promotes a “responsible mine”? What role(s) do technical and political discourses play in the adoption and justification of resource exploitation and production strategies? What influence do companies and experts have on these debates? Through a historical or longitudinal perspective, this issue of Entreprises et Histoire explores the intersections and interplay of actors between CSR and social changes that may or may not underpin the rhetoric of a return to mining and a convergence between the so-called “energy transition” and “ecological transition”. 

Investigaciones de Historia Económica / Economic History Research vol. 20/3, October 2024

IHE-EHR is the journal of the Spanish Economic History Association (AEHE), and publishes high-quality, open-access articles in economic history and the history of economic thought, in English and Spanish.

Ψηφιακό Αποθετήριο των Αρχείων Σύγχρονης Κοινωνικής Ιστορίας (ΑΣΚΙ)

Το Ψηφιακό Αποθετήριο των ΑΣΚΙ περιέχει το σύνολο των ψηφιοποιημένων τεκμηρίων που έχουν περιληφθεί στα διάφορα θεματικά ερευνητικά προγράμματα που εκπονούν τα ΑΣΚΙ από το 2004 και εξής. Στο αποθετήριο φυλάσσονται πλέον περισσότερα από 300.000 τεκμήρια διαφορετικού μορφολογικού χαρακτήρα.

Jornada Internacional de la Escuela de Maestría y Doctorado de RIICOMA

Estas Jornadas están destinadas a estudiantes de maestría y doctorado de universidades e instituciones científicas diversas que investiguen sobre estas comunidades iberoamericanas. Durante las mismas se realizará una presentación de apertura en torno al estado actual de los estudios sociales de las comunidades marítimas iberoamericanas y nuevas perspectivas de investigación. Atendiendo al volumen y naturaleza de las presentaciones, las jornadas se desarrollarán en torno a varios ejes temáticos en sesiones virtuales consecutivas. 

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Action and update of the Greek Economic History Association website, is funded by the Ioannis S.Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, under the 2016 Support Program for Scientific Companies