The research projects span questions about long-run economic growth, innovation, and intergenerational mobility. Both projects use micro-level data and econometric methods to answer questions such as: i) How does innovation and the diffusion of new technologies affect the creation of new types of jobs? What determines who transitions into new work? How does the geography of new job creation change over time?; ii) How age affects innovation, with a particular focus on the demographic transition; and iii) Whether innovation and the diffusion of new technologies leads to increasing or decreasing intergenerational mobility. The projects take a cross-country perspective and span the 18th century to the present day.
The Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought (AISPE) and the Italian Society of Economic Historians (SISE) invite economic historians and the academic communities of historians, economists, and other scholars in the humanities and the political and social sciences to submit proposals for a conference on the history of mobility and circulation of resources, people and ideas.
Η ετήσια συνάντηση των Ελλήνων Ιστορικών Οικονομικής Σκέψης διοργανώνεται φέτος με θέμα: Οικονομικές κρίσεις. Θεωρία, Ιστορία και πολιτικές αντιμετώπισης, στις 16 και 17 Ιουνίου (Παρασκευή και Σάββατο) 2023 στις εγκαταστάσεις του Οικονομικού Τμήματος του Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλίας στο Βόλο.
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system:
Title: Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
Code: APP33548
Organization: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
School: Economic and Political Sciences
Department/Institute: Political Sciences
Discipline: Διεθνής Πολιτική Οικονομία
Submission Opening Date: 21/04/2023
Submission End Date: 22/06/2023
We inform you that a new position has been entered in the Apella information system:
Title: Μία (1) θέση μέλους Δ.Ε.Π. του Τμήματος Ιστορίας της Σχολής Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου
Code: APP33406
Organization: Ionian University
School: Faculty of Humanities
Department/Institute: History
Discipline: Ιστορική Δημογραφία και Ιστορική Γεωγραφία
The workshop aspires to enrich and nuance our understanding of post-war visions of and approaches to the family through an original geographical and analytical lens. On the one hand, it will chart new research on the countries of the post-war Southeastern Europe (Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Turkey), which are understudied in comparison to Western European countries, and which are rarely examined together, owing to their different political systems and social policies. On the other hand, through the concept of health, a notion that was broadened in the post-war period to encompass not only the physical and mental, but also the social, the workshop embarks on a combined exploration of medical and social sciences, along with welfare professions, in shaping discourses and undertaking action on families.
The Italian Society of Economic Historians (SISE) and the “Mario Romani” Department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy), welcome paper and session proposals to the conference “The European space. Geo-economic balances and State powers in the long run”, that will be held at the Catholic University of Milan on June 22-24, 2023.
We are announcing an open position at WU Vienna, Institute for Economic and Social History - full-time, 40 hours/week, starting August 15, 2023, and ending after 6 years, application by April 12, 2023.
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the institute's teaching and research agenda at the intersection between economic history, economics and other social sciences, with priority given to candidates with a research interest in historical perspectives on economic development/growth and/or international economics/political economy. S/he will work closely with other researchers at the Institute for Economic and Social History and is expected to produce high-quality research in the field.
The position consists of a unique double affiliation with the multidisciplinary Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU) combined with employment and office located at a relevant department (henceforth referred to as a home department) within one of the three faculties: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Business, Economics and Law.
Έχουν περάσει δεκαοκτώ χρόνια από τη διεξαγωγή του διεθνούς συνεδρίου στη Σαμοθράκη με θέμα τον δοσιλογισμό, καρπός του οποίου υπήρξε η έκδοση του τόμου «Εχθρός εντός των τειχών»: Όψεις του Δωσιλογισμού στην Ελλάδα της Κατοχής. Είναι αυτονόητο ότι το ζήτημα της συνεργασίας με τον κατακτητή στα κατεχόμενα εδάφη κατά τη διάρκεια του Β΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου δεν έχει χάσει την ερευνητική δυναμική του και νέες μελέτες έχουν προστεθεί έκτοτε τόσο στην ελληνική όσο και στη διεθνή ιστοριογραφία. Με τα φώτα του ενδιαφέροντος να πέφτουν περισσότερο στον ένοπλο δοσιλογισμό, κάτι που άλλωστε είχε προτάξει και ο νομοθέτης για την εκδίκαση και την τιμωρία αυτών των νέων εθνικών εγκλημάτων από ειδικά δικαστήρια, άλλες πτυχές αυτού του πολυσύνθετου φαινομένου δεν έχουν τύχει έως τώρα της δέουσας προσοχής.
Με βάση το παραπάνω σκεπτικό διοργανώνεται συνέδριο το οποίο επιδιώκει να εστιάσει στον διοικητικό μηχανισμό που λειτούργησε υπό συνθήκες ξένης κατοχής. Στόχος του είναι να εξετάσει την πολυεπίπεδη δημόσια διοίκηση (ανώτερη και κατώτερη δημοσιοϋπαλληλία, αστυνομικές υπηρεσίες/χωροφυλακή, δικαστικές αρχές, εκπαίδευση, Εκκλησία, δήμοι, κοινότητες, νομαρχίες, φορείς και θεσμοί του δημοσίου κ.λπ.) μέσα από το πρίσμα της συνεργασίας με τους κατακτητές στο πλαίσιο αφενός της ενάσκησης των καθηκόντων των στελεχών της διοίκησης και αφετέρου ως κρατικών λειτουργών δοσιλογικών κυβερνήσεων.
The Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), the Faculty of History and Geography (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava), and the Balkan History Association are organizing an international conference on 22-24 November in Thessaloniki, Greece about Greek-Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989). The conference is addressed to all academics, including young scholars, dealing with a topic related to the political, economic, cultural, and social relations of the two countries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Researchers may submit proposals on any relevant topic about the two countries during this period.
The Department of Economy and Society at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg announces 3 positions as PhD student located at Unit for Economic History. The department conducts education and research within three different subject areas: Economic History; Human Geography; and Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management of Intellectual Asset. The different subjects within the department create possibilities to carry out interdisciplinary education and research.