
CfP: International Conference "Greek Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989)" Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2023
31-03-2023 10:42The Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), the Faculty of History and Geography (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava), and the Balkan History Association are organizing an international conference on 22-24 November in Thessaloniki, Greece about Greek-Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989). The conference is addressed to all academics, including young scholars, dealing with a topic related to the political, economic, cultural, and social relations of the two countries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Researchers may submit proposals on any relevant topic about the two countries during this period.
Indicative sections:
- From Ottoman rule to national independence
- The strengthening of national identities
-Local conflicts and world wars
-Political regimes, parliamentarism and authoritarianism
-Society and life in cities, villages, and monasteries
-Historical, socioeconomic and spatial evolution of urban, rural and monumental spaces
-The transition from pre-modernity to modernity (trade, industry, capital, architecture and culture) in the 20th century
-The status and situation of ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities
-The flourishing of literature and the arts
- Forms and expressions of national ideology
- The preservation and enhancement of the ekistics cultural heritage and the Urban transformations and strategic policies of modern cities
-Uses of public history for the past and the wars of memory
The conference is organized in order to strengthen Greek-Romanian scientific relations. It will be held on 22-24 November at the premises of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. A post-conference publication is planned as well. The conference will be accompanied by a visit to the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, dedicated to the recent history of Macedonia with its own research Centre, and a tour to Thessaloniki city and the surroundings. Abstracts no longer than 300 words, along with contact information, name, and institutional affiliation, should be sent to greekromanianconference[at]uom.edu.gr (conference secretary).
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2023, and the full list of speakers will be announced before the end of May 2023.
The organizers will cover the cost of accommodation, conference materials, participation in the planned excursion, refreshments, and lunch. For some researchers the transportation cost will be covered as well.
Academic and Organizing Committee:
Eleni Gavra, Professor, University of Macedonia
Nikos Marantzidis, Professor, University of Macedonia
Gheorghe Onisoru, Professor, University Stefan cel Mare Suceava
Dobrinka Parusheva, Associate Professor, University of Plovdiv/Institute of Balkan Studies
Dimitris Stamatopoulos, Professor, University of Macedonia
Ciprian Lucretius Suciu, Professor, University of Macedonia
Kostas Tsivos, Assistant Professor, Charles University
Vlasis Vlasidis, Associate Professor, University of Macedonia
Cristina Ionita, Balkan History Association
Organisers: University of Macedonia, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Balkan History Association
Venue: University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Date: 22-24 November 2023 (Wednesday–Friday)
Application deadline: 15 May 2023
Form of abstracts: electronic file (doc, docx, pdf), up to 300 words
Contact: vvlasidis[at]uom.gr (Vlasis Vlasidis)
greekromanianconference[at]uom.edu.gr (Diamantia Arvaniti)
Working language: English