
CfP: Connected histories of economic planning in Southern Europe 1945-1989, 17-18 June 2025, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon
16-01-2025 18:48Connected histories of economic planning in Southern Europe 1945-1989
NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, 17-18 June 2025
The impact of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, along with the remarkable economic growth of countries from East Asia, have sparked a renewed interest in the role of state intervention, bringing back into the contemporary debate numerous subjects that had become marginal in both mainstream academia and the public sphere. Industrial policy, in particular, has become a topic of inquiry across various disciplines, encouraging scholars to revisit the period that followed the Second World War, when economic planning seemed to hold the keys to unlock the future. Driven by a strong belief in the possibilities opened up by scientific knowledge and technical expertise, social scientists and engineers dedicated themselves to the collection of data, designing models to ensure the optimal allocation of resources and devising ambitious schemes for agricultural and industrial development. Across the dividing lines of the Cold War, political regimes of different kinds employed a broad range of instruments to transform the social landscape and accelerate the pace of capital accumulation. Transnational epistemic communities were formed, allowing for the worldwide circulation of knowledge, as a new category of ‘experts’ met at international conferences, creating networks, sharing their experiences and identifying challenges and possibilities across distinct fields, ranging from credit and industrial productivity to agriculture and education.
The purpose of this international workshop is to address all such aspects and expand the study of economic planning, focusing on the specific trajectories of Southern European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, and Turkey) during the 20th Century. By adopting a broad notion of ‘Southern Europe’, the aim is to bring into light contrasting national experiences, but also to explore unexpected and hitherto unconsidered forms of circulation, influence, and cooperation. For that purpose, we welcome paper proposals with an historical perspective, centred in Southern Europe, which address, among others, the following topics:
- Planning agencies.
- Planning expertise, theory and technology.
- Development projects and infrastructure.
- Industry, agriculture and services.
- Central banks, credit and monetary policy.
- Gender and kinship.
- Labour, class and social inequality.
- Race, migration and colonialism/post-colonialism.
- Nature and environment.
- International organizations.
- Foreign trade and investment.
Proposals should include a brief biographical note, paper title and an abstract of no more than 300 words emailed to ricardonoronha[at]fcsh.unl.pt. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2025. Notification of acceptance will be given by 11 April March 2025. Presenters will be asked to submit their paper (4000 to 6000 words) by 31 May, with the prospect of contributing to a special journal issue. Travel and accommodation costs may be supported by the organizing institution (IHC/IN2PAST) if no other funding is available.