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5ο σεμινάριο: Abdulmennan M. Altıntaş, "Between Commerce and Sanctity: Formation of Ottoman Trade Policy in the Red Sea"
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Electronic Bulletin of Economic History

Welcome to the new updated website of the Electronic Bulletin of Economic History! The Electronic Bulletin of Economic History aims to provide a forum of information and communication for those interested in the economic and social history.
The HDOIsto website ( constitutes the expression and the communication of the Greek Economic History Association (GEHA).

On our pages you can find information about GEHA seminars and conferences, for activities of third parties, and new publications. You can learn about the goals of GEHA and register as a member. You can search for members of the Association and their personal pages. You can search the text of the seminar as well as articles related to Greek economic history. You can learn about teaching and research on Greek economic history, browse the pages of international scientific societies and libraries to the Internet. You can search for scholarships for studies in Greece and abroad. If you wish to, you can receive the monthly newsletter of HDOIsto.

Since it is a dynamic website, it is based on the participation of friends and supporters in order to be informed and updated at regular times. Send at conference announcements, invitations for participation in conferences, new publications, awards and calls of new posts, articles and texts that you would like to upload and share.
With the participation of scholars of economic history, the site can be a reference point.


Action and update of the Greek Economic History Association website, is funded by the Ioannis S.Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, under the 2016 Support Program for Scientific Companies