Νέα Σεμινάρια Σύνδεσμοι ΕΕΟΙ - ΗΔΟΙστο  
Newsletter 46 - Αύγουστος 2019

Ανακοινώσεις - Εκδηλώσεις

CfP 4th International Conference in Economic and Social History "Varieties of Capitalism in the Mediterranean (18th-20th c.)", Corfu, 1-3 October 2020
The Greek Economic History Association in collaboration with the Department of History of the Ionian University, organizes the 4th International Conference in Economic and Social History. The Conference will address the theme “Varieties of Capitalism in the Mediterranean (18th-20th century)” and will be hosted by the Ionian University in Corfu on 1-3 October 2020. Proposals for a) sessions  of three to four papers accompanied by abstracts up to 400 words each and an abstract for the whole panel and b) papers (with an abstract of 400 words) should be emailed until 30.10. 2019.


Call for research papers 2021 "The knowledge economy. Innovation, productivity and economic growth, 13th to 18th century", Prato, 53rd Study Week, 9-12 May 2021
The LIII Settimana invites research papers on how organizational, technological, and scientific innovations spurred productivity gains and economic growth from the thirteenth through eighteenth centuries. Can the paradigms and theories that have emerged to explain how the knowledge economy stimulated the Industrial Revolution be usefully applied to the pre-modern period? To what extent can we identify ‘useful knowledge’ (Simon Kuznets) as a source of economic growth? What kinds of cultural, economic, and institutional structures provided the most hospitable environment for the application of scientific knowledge to innovations that promoted competition, efficiency, quality, specialization, tools, access to information, and other measures of productivity? The LIII Settimana will reflect on these relationships as well as their influence on the recovery capacity of European medieval and early modern societies after demographic, economic, and military crises.

CfP Workshop: “Measuring well-being in the past: metrics, drivers and implications for development”, Utrecht, 14-15.11.2019
This workshop is organized by Wageningen University Research and the University of Utrecht, and cofunded by the N.W. Posthumus Institute. It workshop invites applications from researchers in Economic History and/or Economics, especially PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers. The deadline for applications is September 6th, 2019. Abstracts (500 words) discussing the sources, methodology and main hypotheses should be sent to Daniel Gallardo and Michail Moatsos  by September 6th, 2019. Notices of acceptance will be sent shortly after the submission.

Νέες Εκδόσεις

Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought
Kirsten Madden, Robert W. Dimand (eds.) (2018)
This handbook presents new and much-needed analytical research of women’s contributions in the history of economic thought, focusing primarily on the period from the 1770s into the beginning of the 21st century. Chapters address the institutional, sociological and historical factors that have influenced women economists’ thinking, and explore women’s contributions to economic analysis, method, policies and debates. Coverage is international, moving beyond Europe and the US into the Arab world, China, India, Japan, Latin America, Russia and the Soviet Union, and sub-Saharan Africa. This new global perspective adds depth as well as scope to our understanding of women’s contribution to the history of economic thought.

Πρωτόγονη επανάσταση. Αρματολοί και κλέφτες (18ος-19ος αι.)
Σπύρος Ι. Ασδραχάς (2019)
Ο Ασδραχάς υφαίνει ένα μεγάλο ιστοριογραφικό σχέδιο, που πλέκεται συνομιλώντας με τα μεγάλα ρεύματα σκέψης και τους στοχαστές των κοινωνικών επιστημών [...] Πάσχισε να μας μάθει πως η γραμματική και τα νοήματα των τεκμηρίων παραπέμπουν στον δικό τους καιρό. Και πως χρειάζεται να μεταγραφούν στη γραμματική και τις σημασίες που έχουν οι λέξεις και τα σήματα στο τραπέζι του ερμηνευτή [...] Τούτος είναι ο τρόπος της ερμηνείας και της δια του τεκμηρίου επιχειρηματολογίας· που σ' αυτό το βιβλίο μάς ανοίγει τις πόρτες και μάς προσφέρει τα εργαλεία για να αναμετρηθούμε με τα προβλήματα κατανόησης της πρωτόγονης επανάστασης". (Ν.Θεοτοκάς)

Taming Capitalism before its Triumph. Public Service, Distrust, and 'Projecting' in Early Modern England
Koji Yamamoto (2018)
The study examines the darker side of England's culture of economic improvement between 1640 and 1720. It is often suggested that England in this period grew strikingly confident of its prospect for unlimited growth. Indeed, merchants, inventors, and others promised to achieve immense profit and abundance. Such flowery promises were then, as now, prone to perversion, however. This volume is concerned with the taming of incipient capitalism — how a society in the past responded when promises of wealth creation went badly wrong. It reveals a history of numerous visible hands taming incipient capitalism, a story that Adam Smith and his admirers have long set aside.

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